hungry wolves

This week: Meeting Ettiquite

Hello, readers. This is Dick Jones speaking. In case some of you less business-savvy drones out there aren't aware of who I am, I'm the former Vice President of Omni Consumer Products. I say "former" because that blasted RoboCop saved Delta City! Dammit, I would have been king of Delta City. If only I hadn't hired that asshole Boddicker. I had military deals, 20 years of spare parts, who cared if it didn't work?

Well, to get on with the point, I'm here today to tell you about meeting ettiquite. You see, out in the business world, they aren't all built like Dick Jones. No, sir. There's a lot of smarmy little rich kids, little pussies with liberal arts degrees, sitting in the high chairs their daddies gave them. Well, you don't want to piss them off. Here's a couple of "Dick's No-Nos" for Meeting Ettiquite:

fancy free Whew, okay, first rule. Disagreements happen. Throwing a coworker (or even a bitter corporate rival) out of the window from any height above 10 stories is generally considered a faux pas in the business world. I believe this young man was tossed from the Citibank building in Los Angeles after a dispute between himself and Ted Turner over an onion bagel. Folks, learn this rule and live it. No pushing out of windows.
happiness and fun Sigh, I wonder where they found this one. This is rather embarrassing. Yes, smart guy, that's me holding the semi-automatic .380 handgun. That unhappy fellow with the gun pointed at his head is the CEO of DaimlerChrysler. I don't remember what caused me to do this, I think it was a combination of my blood pressure medication, my bitch wife and my fairy son all getting on my nerves. By the time I got to work, I was a wreck. So when Mr. Chambers here asked how my son was, the first thing I thought of was to grab my gun and kill the son of a bitch, screaming "did you have your way with him, you sick fuck?". Folks, I can't stress enough how this was the wrong behavior. I caught a lot of shit from the board of directors for this one.
mambo mambo mambo Alright, this one should be a no-brainer, but there's a lot of you idiots out there in the offices of America. Sure, we all like illegal drugs, but the workplace is not the place for them. Now, I'm not trying to be all high and mighty (I was known as King Sniffer in the Dallas area for a period in 1980) but bringing your stash to a high-profile meeting just doesn't go over well with some of these blow-dried prissies. So save it for the copy room or a stall in the restroom, folks.

Well, that's about it for this time, folks. Next time we'll be discussing sexual relations in the workplace. Can they be discreet? Hope to see you then.
