one day you will see

Greetings, Gentle Reader.

We had a wonderful Fourth here on the Cape. Ted and his family came down to the compound for some smoked salmon and we all laughed and watched the fireworks as James played some of his little folk ditties. Marvelous.

But alas, the time for frolic and glee has departed us, and now is the season for the honest hard work to prepare our souls for winter and its harsh yet beautiful seclusion. So down to business.

I have been informed by my attorney, Herman Arpington, that there are a number of parents who are angry and upset over our "Kidz Korner" feature. Ladies and gentlemen, I profusely apologize, but the matter of Children's Content should be addressed to our Juvenile/Young Adult Division, care of Universal Studios, in conjunction with Nickelodeon Studios, Orlando, Florida.

You see, kind souls, I am merely the "gatekeeper" to the wealth of information found on this site. Unfortunately, sometimes the wrong bits of data get past my guard, as I am all too often asleep like a kitten in my velvet loafers, reclining in my sumptuous leather recliner, instead of being the sturdy, Norse protector that I should.

Well, now that we have settled that little problem, let's move on to letters from our kind readers. We have one today from a long-time reader from the Havelonian Pines area, quite a pretty place this time of year. He writes:

My name is Tibby, Tibby Rinsom, (close personal friend of John Potatis).I have important news for you tonerbill fi-ponies. I have finally decoded the ever evasive sexxy/unitarian/bean pie triumverate.It has been six hundred long bears in the making. My partners down at "Feeble Scrotums & Transgendered Farming Equipment INC." have been financing my escapades since the early 1800's, and now is the big payoff!!!! The final step is just to re-animate the armless corpse of Abraham Lincoln,(It is a little known fact that our 16th president was born sans limbs... and they say he freed the slaves,...bit the icy birddog is more like it!?), nonetheless,this gangly ex-president will be revived from his eternal slumber... and well, you know the rest. Let's just say numitors' ample pig supply is going to slip a bit. It's a full proof plan, don't you agree! Let us meet soon to discuss the details of our gynocologists' sneak attack. See you on the plane!

1. Jim& Shirley Apegolf a.k.a. 2.Spoof the Amorphic Gnome 3.Sexy Weinhardt 4.Don Knotts 5.Priceless Goat 6.*bling*bling 7. MC Ren 8.blasting cap 9.olin yosefti

Well, young gentleman, I do agree. Although who said Periwinkle was easy to resist in the first place? It all goes back to the December 1997 article "How the Hell Am I Going to Do This?" It might be worth reading. Until then, an hour is all it takes.

Anyhow, farewell readers. I must pilot my Cessna Citation to Oshkosh now for the Pilot's Convention. Be safe.

Milton J. Pennington III has more money than you could ever dream of.
