whoa is them

sane boy
It all began in 1980, when Minnesota scientist Dr. Hubert H. Lesotho devised a plan to create a security camera that could in effect, read its subjects' minds. At first, Lesotho was ridiculed and tortured by the skeptical science community, including his peers at the University of Minnesota. But by 1985, Lesotho had successfully created the SRF-571 ThoughtCam, a prototype of his idea which could see through women's clothing using a combination of x-ray and laser technology. After Lesotho was tried in a class action Invasion of Privacy suit in 1987, he set to work on perfecting the camera so it could actually read thoughts. Finally, in 1989, Lesotho introduced the new ThoughtCam, which stunned the technology and science communities with its ability to actually interpret and report words or phrases in the thought processes of different subjects.

But how does it work? Nobody knows. Dr. Lesotho deserted Minnesota in 1992 and hasn't been heard from since. Police searches of his home and office revealed no trace of notes, experiments, or any other data or information relating to the ThoughtCam. Inventors and scientists have for years been analyzing the components and parts of the ThoughtCam to determine the actual mechanism which reads the human mind. All attempts have been futile.

Through grand larceny, The Concept has obtained a ThoughtCam. We thought we'd put it to the test. So we placed two in the Times Square subway station in New York City last fall during a busy lunchtime rush hour. The results are incredible:

never gonna be

that good again

What a wonderful and amazing time to be alive.
