you wanna start something with me?

YOU LITTLE IDIOT. I told you this wouldn't all boil over. Don't you have any little amount of brains in that big fat head of yours? I told you a hundred times that this was the year there were gonna be problems. So you'd better put on your seatbealt you little shit, because I got a ride to take you on. A little ride called PROBLEMS WITH THE YEAR 2000.

For some reason, your goddamn older brother won't look after you anymore, so I gotta watch your ass. But trust me, kid, not even the unblemished body of a 13 year old hooker from Thailand would make me as happy as when I see your little wise ass hit by a Mack truck.

camp keep the quiet 1:Alright kids, now answer me. What year is it?
2:Gee, I don't know officer, umm 1999?
1:Don't get smart or I'll knock you across your head, asshole.
2:Ohhhhhh, sorry sorry, dude, it must be 1998.
1:You have violated the law! It is the year 2000.
[Officer begins severely beating the suspect]
good god almighty PUPPETS WILL EXPLODE. Stop crying, you little shithead, your mommy isn't here and your daddy's probably bangin his secretary! And you know what?? You can't stop the year 2000! None of us can. I did 10 hours of pushups for 19 years to prepare for this year, and damn, I still can't fight it. Heh heh. You know what, you little sack of shit?? I'm gonna laugh when all your stupid little puppets explode.
senator nuts and ham PELICANS WILL DEVOUR. You ever gone face to face with one of these, you little asshole? I've seen these birds devour charlie by pickin 'em right out of the water. Why, even those awful slant eyes were better than you, you little piece of dog testicle!! I'd rather have charlie unloading an SKS at me than have to babysit your sorry un-American ass. Little spoiled shit.
