sweet isolation i've been waiting for your touch

just keep driving. slow down.

you know i'm going to kill you. i'm very going to kill you.

it was the rest stop rest stop i bet you didn't even see me in the bushes.

yeah they never saw me in the bushes back in santa rosa. yeah it was probably that night yeah i saw it it wasn't my fault. keep driving straight i'm going to kill you slowly in a field.

i didn't ask for you to talk i ask you to drive and now i wonder if it really was that night that brought it out. i don't know that will teach the giants to dip their hands into the late night cookie jar that will teach them to try perfume in the gutter it can't be done!

famous performers who win applause from the anonymous everywhere teach us that life is just metaphors; sex is the air and the atmosphere

so maybe i didn't but i don't care she doesn't know a thing. keep driving. don't take that next exit. keep driving. i'm going to murder you. sounds they all make sounds go make your sounds i don't need your sounds lousy sounds deep sounds to hell with sounds i'm going to kill you.

it was a stop in the hallway and that's all maybe a glance maybe a quick comment thrown to the side maybe nothing but i still heard about sounds keep driving i don't need to worry about sounds its not even an issue lousy athens never made any coliseums and parthanons and leave it to the rascals to keep leaving it all around never going to make much of it keep driving i'm going to kill you soon in a field.

everyone has their start under blue skies and saturday mornings when you were young then something came and blew it away and what was it oh who cares i'm going to kill you theres no point in chicago theres no point in nebraska just keep driving i'm going to kill you take this next exit this looks right

don't move now this is it what comes next who knows but you i hope you don't get mad but there were millions of reasons it wasn't me it was a combination one hour long of shirts and skirts and pants and residential neighborhoods and ten years too late but what does it matter now just pull over right here

santa monica nineteen sixty five
