deranged like a fox

noooooooooo! not my heaaaaaaaart!hey kids! i'm getting sucked through
hyperspace right now, so i can't talk
long! but keep checking for new
answering machine messages cuz
they could appear any day! kids, you
can even call the infamous answering
machine at 336.272.4612! maybe you
might be on this page one day! that
would be nice, wouldn't it, kids?! hey
i can't feel anything anymore.

Answering Machine Archive
25 july 2000: Notorious BIG: the Movie.
19 april 2000: the lazy boy news hour
19 april 2000: breaking news
18 april 2000: rosenblatt
18 april 2000: chamberpot saviours
17 april 2000: a paid advert from johnny nickel legs
13 april 2000: a personal message for allen kong
11 april 2000: jailbird mchenry
30 march 2000: onions in a bowl
30 march 2000: whoa caterpillar, whoa
28 march 2000: yodeler's hernia
