Dear Mr. Parks:

I really don't know how to say this, but your son Spot has fleas.
We had to remove him from P.E. this morning after several students complained about itching problems. Please make sure he gets the appropriate medical attention immediately. Also, again I don't know how to say this, but there have been rumors that Spot is in actuality some sort of animal. We don't mean to be offensive, Mr. Parks, but Spot has very animalistic qualities about him. Many of the teachers wager that he is some sort of horse-related creature, I however, have bet $5 (American) that he is of reptilian descent. Again, no offense intended, but if you could supply us the answer we would appreciate it and of course provide Spot with the same respect and courtesy given to the other students. In fact, the other students love Spot. He's the first one they want to play with at recess.

Rob Nedoubis
Principal, St. Barnaby Secondary

PS: I have enclosed Spot's school picture, as it got lost during the
shipping of the other pictures.

what does it meeeeeeeeeean what does it mean

what a beautiful little boy.

PPS: In case of any medical questions, the school nurse has included a microscopic slide of the fleas
detected in young Spot's hair.

home is where the heart is.